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Code Search + AI

Search & refactor code across any size codebase, plus write & fix code fast with Cody, the AI that uses your code graph as context.

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Cody autocompletes single lines, or whole functions, in real time as you code.

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What is sourcegraph?

Sourcegraph is a code AI platform that makes it easy to read, write, and fix code–even in big, complex code bases.

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Write, fix, and maintain code with the most powerful & accurate AI coding assistant. Cody uses the code graph to understand your entire codebase and help developers write and ship code with autocomplete and commands.

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Code Search

Search your entire codebase—every code host and repository, at any scale—in a single place. Code Search makes it easy for developers to onboard to new codebases, understand code faster, and find & fix security risks.

Over 2.5M engineers use Sourcegraph

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Cody writes code and answers questions for you, speeding up work and keeping devs in flow.

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Cody for Enterprise (beta)

Cody with Sourcegraph Enterprise uses the code graph to provide context-aware answers based on your own private codebase.